Services & Rates

Menu of Services


$45 - 30 minutes

$75 - 60 minutes

$100 - 90 minutes

Description: Light circulatory pressure, kneading, minor stretching, broad strokes.

Benefits: Increases the level of oxygen in the blood, increases relaxation, circulation and flexibility, eases tension, and improves immune system functions.


Deep Tissue

$45 - 30 minutes

$75 - 60 minutes

$100 - 90 minutes

Description: Firm pressure, working deeper into muscle tissue.  Trigger point work may be included upon request.

Benefits: Reduces tension, headaches, fatigue, swelling, and encourages blood and lymph circulation. Trigger point work, works to diminish knots causing chronic pain and decreased range of motion.


Chair Massage

$1 a minute

minimum 10 minutes, maximum 30 minutes

Description: Light to deep pressure depending on preference.  This is a quick and easy way to decrease stress and increase productivity.  Perfect for a quick getaway from work or home!

Benefits: Decreases stress, increases productivity, decreases risks of 'burn out', releases headaches, backaches and neck pain.

Oncology Massage

Description: Personalized and modified to fit your needs in treatment and recovery. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments and their side effects will be discussed.

Benefits: Improves relaxation, sleep and immune system functions as well as relieves pain, anxiety and nausea.




Special Offer

Get $10.00 off your first full body massage!

Bridal Special: 90 minute massage now $85